Some Body
Some Body
Photography: Brandon Lee Davis
Let's get a little personal.
HAT Ross
This has to be my most "scandalous" post yet, haha. I've never been photographed in a bathing suit or lingerie before, so this was a new experience for me. The night before Brandon and I shot this, I was anxious and worried about how I would look in the photos. I don't have a thigh gap, toned arms, no "body goals" for sure. But as I kept thinking about all the things that I didn't have, I started to think of the things that I did have. My body is a product of all those days spent perfecting the art that I love to do, visual effects compositing. My body puts up with my early mornings, late nights, and the little sleep I get. My body is still pushing through the day despite all the times I forget to eat. My body does all of this, so why should I hate it? This isn't just some body; it's my body, and even though it's not toned and perfect, it's mine, and I appreciate everything that it is.